- sri:
srimate ramanjuaya namah:
- sriranga nayika sametha sri rangantha
prabrahmane namah:
- Manavala Mamunigal's
Services to Vaishnavism
- Lord Rangantha Swami(utsavar)
and the Rajagopuram of Sri Rangam
While approaching Sriperumbudur the Birth place of Ramanuja,
Mamunigal melted in ecstasy at the mere sight of the place and
exclaimed "ithuvO perumpUthoor........") meaning thereby
oh! Is this Sriperumbudur where Yatiraja (King among ascetics)
was born to rid us of all our miseries. Indeed the place is as
famous as Thirunagari where saint Nammalwar was born and where
the limpid waters of Porunai (TamiraparaniRiver) flows. This
reveals 'Mamunigal's abundant devotion to Ramanuja. Similar pronouncements
were made by Mamunigal at the birth place of Thirumangai Azhwar,
while worshipping Lord Dhevaraja at Kanchipuram Mamunigal was
very much absorbed in the Divine beauty of the Lord. He composed
Dhevaraja Mangalam praising the Lord as Kasturi Varadahan similar
to Ranganatha being Kasturi Rangan. All such anecdotes and sayings
of Mamunigal help Vaishnava devotees worshipping at the Temples
to identify themselves totally with the exhilarating experience
the Acharya felt.
During Mamunigal's stay at Srirangam he used to visit daily
the residence of Pillai Lokacharya (Author of 18 monumental works
on Vaishnavism called Rahasya Grandhams) prostrate at the doorstep
reverentially touching the very earth as a gesture of respect
to the hallowed spot. Such is the depth of devotion of Mamunigal
towards Purvacharyas (preceptors in the past). Mamunigal wrote
commentaries on three most important works amongst the 18 viz.
SriVachanaBhusanam TatvaThrayam and Mumukshuppadi. Among the
three, Srivachana Bhusanam was composed at the divine command
of Lord Varadaraja . It is a masterpiece containing quotation
of Azhwars and Acharyas. Codifying the true tenets of Vaishnavism,
Mamunigal who wrote a brilliant commentary for SrivachanaBhushanam
praises this work in his UpadesaRatina Malai. The following stanza
aarvasanabooshaNaththinaazh poruLellamaRivaar
uNdaagil aththanaikaaNuLLamE!ellaarkkum
aNdaathathanROvathu. ( Verse 55)
glorifies this work in particular. In this Mamunigal wonders
whether the tenets of Vaishnavism prescribed there in awfully
grasped and practiced atleast by one individual. Perhaps humility
prevented him from telling. He was practicing it. Another commentary
of Mamunigal worth mentioning is the one on Acharya Hridayam
a gem among Rahasya Grandams authored by Azhagia Manavalapperumal
Nayanar, the illustrious brother of Pillai LokaAcharya. Mamunigal's
goal was to propagate the works and teachings of earlier preceptors
and it was never his intention to bring out original works as
these were enough about Vaishnavisam already available. Mamunigal
expresses this sentiment beautifully in Arthi Prabhandham in
the stanza beginning "paNdu palavaariyarum.....kaalaththai
kazhiththEn! (Verse 28) meaning -'whatever preceptors before
me wrote, I learnt this meanings at the feet of my Acharya, and
then preached them. This way I spent my time It was in this spirit
Mamunigal wrote commentaries of 421 stanzas of Periazhwar's Thirumozhi
which were lost and would not agree to write further as literature
for them already existed. Such was the discipline which Mamunigal
Humility and Devotion to Acharya are the Vaishnavite cult
and Mamunigal gave good expression to it in his works of Yatiraja
Vimsathi and Arthi Prabhandam. In the commentaries of Mamunigal
while emphasizing his view point of vaishanaite doctrine refuting
other schools of thought with authoritative quotations great
care has been taken not to cause slightest injury to the feelings
of others. Mamunigal will not indulge in cheap jibes ridiculing
others. His illuminating preamble to the various works of Acharyas
are a class by themselves. Another feature with Mamunigal is
the mention and appreciation of scholars together with their
quotations wherever relevant in his writings limiting unlike
others who will make only cursory references. This is a unique
quality with Mamunigal. So truthful was he in this aspect so
much so we have famous quotation as 'poyyillaatha maNavaaL maamuni
punNdhi vaazhi pughazh vaazhi vazhiyE'
It will be seen from the short summary presented above Mamunigal
spent all his time in the service of Srivaishnavisam through
his works as well as his lectures and above all practicing than
scrupulously to enable others to emulate him.
adiyEn madhurakavidhaasan
Thirumalai Ananthaanpillai Srinivasa dhaasan, Kancheepuram